Remove the fillets from the film. Put the pan in the preheated mussels, thyme and bay leaf. Pour in the wine, cover and put on the fire for 3-4 minutes. To sink soon to open, shake the pan a few times. Then remove it from the stove. Pour juice into a separate bowl and remove any unopened shells.
In olive oil, fry the vegetables. Add 1 tsp. Curry, saffron, thyme, pour all the mussel juice and simmer until liquid is evaporated by half. Fillet blot with a paper towel, sprinkle with curry, mixed with salt and fry in olive oil. Thereafter, in 4-5 minutes reach feature set in a hot oven.
In a separate pan protomai spinach in butter. The steamed vegetables, pour the cream, bring all to a boil and add the mussels. Once they warm as, lay all on the plates.
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